Historical show has memorable moments, hits and songs that until then were unpublished

The magic and theatricality of Circo Voador, a mystical place of Brazilian music, received, 12 years ago, the trupe delirante commanded by Pitty. Record that, not for less, is one of the most watched to date, "A Trupe Delirante No Circo Voador", released on DVD in 2012 and now available on WePlay, has its peculiarities.
With a band formed by Duda (Drummer), Joe (Bass) e Martin (Guitar), in addition to the addition of Hique Gomez (Violin) and Brunno Cunha (Keyboards), Pitty started the show with "8 or 80" with the audience in a state of euphoria. During the performance, the singer prioritized songs from the album "Chiaroscuro", such as "Emboscada" and "O Lobo". The album was released in 2009 and, as of the date in question, had no live records for the tracks on its tracklist.
We also have two covers: “Se Você Pensa”, of Roberto and Erasmo Carlos and “Senhor das Moscas”, of the band Cascadura, in addition to the so-far unprecedented "Comum de Dois".
But the show isn't just about the repertoire. "A Trupe Delirante No Circo Voador" gained historical character by the incredible performance of Pitty.
Hyperactive, in the sense of not stopping for a second on stage, the artist performed with the virtuoso of a great singer, in addition to squandering energy (which goes against the catharsis of the audience) and sympathy, even when advertising and gesturing, with a smile on her face, which would punch a more cheeky fan, who threatened to invade the stage during the song "Me Adora".
The recording style takes us to the middle of the audience. "My initial project was to distribute cameras in the hands of some people in the audience so that they could record their own version of the facts, as the Beastie Boys did, but this idea did not go ahead. The solution was to put one of our cameras in the middle of the pogo wheel. We wanted the subjective point of view. I wanted that anyone watching could feel what it's like to be there in the eye of the hurricane.", Told Pitty to the magazine Rolling Stone.
“A Trupe Delirante no Circo Voador” was directed by Ricardo Spencer, produced by Rafael Ramos and released on CD, DVD and vinyl by Deckdisc. The audiovisual record is now available at WePlay, the first streaming platform for Brazilian shows.