Band is confirmed attraction of Mita Festival

After many rumors, especially on social media after disclosure of a mysterious video, the return of Nx Zero is finally confirmed for this year. That’s because the band formed by Di Ferrero, Gee Rocha, Dani Weskler, Caco Grandino and Fi Ricardo is a confirmed attraction of Mita Festival, which will have editions in São Paulo and in Rio de Janeiro.
According to the advisory of the group, the news shouldn’t stop from there. We can expect a full year for the band, although other concert dates haven’t been announced or even the release of a record, such as an album or a single.
Considered one of the most important band’s of the emo movement, that hit it’s high in the country in the years of 2000, Nx Zero made your farewell tour in 2017 and, since then, your members have been dedicated to other projects. Daniel Weksler, who is also the drummer for the singer Pitty, announced your shutdown from the tour “Matriz 3.0”. The sudden attitude triggered several rumors about the comeback of Nx Zero.
At WePlay, the first Streaming platform for Brazilian shows, you can watch the show "Norte Ao Vivo", last recording of the band so far. Access now and remember this historic show!